Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pinferno V Registration opens Tomorrow!

Pinferno V Registration opens Monday, Oct 3rd...Remember to sign up quickly, as it sells out fast... If you'd like t participate in the event on Oct 30th, the first 24 people to bring $20 to Reciprocal get a spot...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Branden Is Done Bitchin' about Black Rose Being Down, And Is Now Bitchin' About It Being Up... "You're Not Supposed To Go For The Skill Shot!", He Swears...

Sunday, July 18, 2010

..Been Awhile Since I Informed Y'all of the Pinball Related Goins' On At The Reciprocal...

yo, yo, yo... I've been completely slacking in my pinball updates, so i'm making a change for the better. from now on, i will continue to give you all a day-to-day (ok, maybe every few days) update of the machines in the shop, what's working, what's not, and what's driving me nuts in pinball fixin' land! also, i'll have announcements on players, high scores, and other notable things amongst the pinball community...

so, as some of you already know, i've picked up a bunch of new games recently. two of 'em are in the shop. those are 'terminator 3', and 'black rose', replacing 'dr. dude', and 'hurricane'.. of those 2, only terminator is up and running now, while i'm shopping black rose.... i'm expecting to have 'black rose' running in about a week from today..

i also got a 'starship troopers' and 'black hole', so expect to see those make an appearance, probably in a few months from now...

'doctor who', while playable, is having a small quirk where it sometimes gives you time expander points even though the mini-playfield isn't raised up yet, but i believe i've isolated the problem, have the parts, and will have it fixed any day now. meanwhile, it's completely playable as this happens infrequently..

check back in often, as i will continue to update and keep everyone informed as what's to play today...

Monday, May 10, 2010

Pinferno IV Registration Opens Today...

hey all-

registration for NYC's most fun, and competitive pinball tournament,
'Pinferno IV', opens today, monday may 10th.. the tourney will be held
saturday, june 12th at reciprocal nyc..

the first 32 people to bring $20 to reciprocal nyc will be registered
for the day's event...

many of you are already quite familiar with the format of the event,
but for those who aren't..

pinferno is an all day event... the $20 fee gets you both, entry, and
also a super-rad custom t-shirt, designed by none other than ian byers
himself.. competition kicks off at noon on the dot.. everyone who is
registered plays from this time, until approximately 6pm. the 16
highest point-holders then go on to round II to battle in a bracket-
style elimination round, until only one man is left standing, and
crowned 'grand champion' of pinferno IV. if you make it to this finals
round (round II), anticipate being here til about 10pm'ish.. all
results are then submitted to the IFPA world pinball player rankings..

the shop is located at 402 e. 11th street, nyc, 10009

anyone is welcome to register, regardless of skill level..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Some New High Scores To Announce...

Doctor Who: Greatest Time Lord - SJG 3.636 Billion
Loop Champion- JOR 90 Loops

Dr. Dude : Grand Champion - JOR 30.2 Million

Hurricane : Grand Champion - NIC 130 Million (which divided by his time not living here anymore, bumpes it up to about 4 Billion)
Clown Time Champion - JIL 7.7 Million (Good Job Babe!)

Creature: SJG 696 Million

All Machines Still Suggest Saying 'NO' To Drugs...

Monday, April 19, 2010


The Good Doctor is at Reciprocal, and ready for play.. Come by and give it a whirl!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hurricane Is Here!

Come by and try to knock Nicola's Grand Champion score of 130Mil off, before he decides to move back to NYC and puts it right back up...

Friday, April 2, 2010


Hurricane will be in the shop later tonight 4/2/2010.. Come by and check it out this weekend.. (Sorry Steve Bowden! :))..Please say a prayer for getaway..

Monday, March 29, 2010


For the first time in many, many, many days, HSII is back up and running.. come on in and experience 4 fully functional pinball machines before one of them breaks down, and we're back to 3 machines again...

Also 'Creature' has a new grand champion.. Sean Grant 'SJG' with a whopping 696.666 mil... good job bro!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Just knock on Branden's apt. door and tell him you're there to get 'hooked up'... Or even better, he really loves when you pretend you're with Con Edison, then when he comes downstairs in his yellowed tighty-whitey's, you say 'Bamm! You got punked.. Now gimme some trucks bitch!...'

He's got Thunder, Indy, Destructo, and Venture..

Many to choose from, all of which he's holding on to and dreaming of skating some day... but he's getting old, so he really doesn't need 'em.

Today Only..

Saturday, March 27, 2010


jons gone today so it's free play on pinball all day at the shop! only exception is you need 50 cents to play and you have to get a replay or match

Monday, March 22, 2010

Tommy trough issue is finally resolved! High scores on Tommy will be reset today for the first time since the game has been in the shop... Currently, the only non-default high score on the game is 'SJG' Sean Grant, with 749Mill...

Other current high scores are:
Dr. Dude - SSB, Steamin' Steve Bowden with 30.1 Mil
Creature - NIC, Nicola, who doesn't live here anymore, so everyone should be embarrassed of themselves, including me...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dr. Dude is fixed and ready for play once again... Working on Tommy 'trough' problems 2nite, and should be fixed by 2moro...

Getaway is still a work in progress, so will most likely be changed out with another game soon.. Thinking about Hurricane... Feel free to provide your thoughts...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dr. Dude parts are in, and will be up and running by tomorrow 3/17/2010